When do the Entities help?

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The Entities do not refuse help. Everyone receives treatment but in full observance of the universal laws. For the Entities information is a type of energy which attracts similar energy. In this sense, if we want to receive healing information, we must build similar energy in us. The easiest and fastest way to do so is the prayer filled with deep faith and love for the Entities which we expect to help us. In other words, we receive just as much healing as we have wished for with deep faith, love and gratitude. The Bible says “Ask and ye shall receive!”.

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Why João and what makes him different?

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João Teixeira de Faria, known as João de Deus (John of God), was born in 1942 in an ordinary Brazilian family and was brought up to believe in the Christian values and traditions. In his first spontaneous experience with the Entities, at the age of 9, he met Saint Rita who began to lovingly guide his work as a Medium. Today João is the world’s most famous, 100 percent, trance medium and has helped millions of people from all over the world.

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