Why João and what makes him different?

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João Teixeira de Faria, known as João de Deus (John of God), was born in 1942 in an ordinary Brazilian family and was brought up to believe in the Christian values and traditions. In his first spontaneous experience with the Entities, at the age of 9, he met Saint Rita who began to lovingly guide his work as a Medium. Today João is the world’s most famous, 100 percent, trance medium and has helped millions of people from all over the world.

Being a trance medium means willingly allowing your body to be incorporated by a non-physical being so, through you, it can come into tangible contact with the living people. This form of contact is called ‘embodiment’. Most of the Entities working through João are the spirits of doctors, great masters, or world famous persons who left this world long ago but are willing to help the people. The first Entity that worked through João was King Solomon and this event took place in a church. Over 50 people were cured there. The rumours about the Healer spread fast all across Brazil. João travelled from place to place until another famous spiritualist, Chico Xavier, advised him to settle down in Abadiania and set up a spiritual centre where people from all around the world could come to see him. The place, according to Chico, was extremely appropriate because of the flowing healing energy, pouring from the depths of the earth. It is not easy to be a trance medium-healer in Brazil. For many years João was persecuted and accused of charlatanry no matter that no one has ever complained of having been injured or hurt by the Entities in some way. It has not been easy for doctors and pharmacists to admit that an uneducated man can offer something more efficient for the people’s health than what they do. Very often, however, the Entities give instructions about specific interventions to be performed by the traditional medicine. Today João receives people three times a week (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) at the Casa de Dom Inacio, named after one of the main Entities working through him – Ignacio de Loyola (the founder of the religious order ‘Society of Jesus’ (Jesuits) and canonised as a Saint by the Catholic Church). ‘I am the happiest man in the world because God entrusted me with this mission.’, says João. Nobody any more tries to dispute the fact that he has humbly devoted his life to helping the people whole-heartedly, without seeking recognition or reward. The healing at the Casa is free of charge. Anyone can make a donation but no one is obliged to pay. In fact, the donations do not cover the expenses of the Casa, and João maintains its activities with his own money from a sideline business.

 Every day numerous people come to the Casa and the majority of them experience the feeling of unconditional love for the first time in their lives. At the forefront there are 33 major Entities that incorporate in João one at a time. Behind them there is an entire world of entities caring for us. So it is not surprising that João is able to be a medium for thousands of people at the same time. Being the trance medium, it is not him that decides who will be incorporated in his body; it is the Entities who make that decision depending on the people to be treated. So far there has not been a single case where an incorporated Entity acted malevolently, i.e. João enjoys 100% protection at all times. It is this particular feeling of perfect protection and security at the Casa that makes the people feel as if they have walked into an utterly different world created by unconditional love. Everybody who have felt this love in their hearts, begin to view the world from a different perspective and are continually inspired for goodness and altruism.

 The Casa operates on the principles of the Spiritist Doctrine. Here, through João, spirits from the invisible realms are granted the right to express themselves. A hierarchy has been established at the ‘Casa de Dom Inacio’. The Divine Consciousness is the Supreme Power governing all the work. Under It there is the Entity known as King Solomon; then come Saint Ignacio de Loyola and his ‘corps of spirits’; Saint Francisco Xavier; Saint Rita of Cascia. Below them are the Entities that in past lives were doctors: Dr.Augusto De Almeida, Dr.Oswaldo Cruz, Dr.Bezerra de Menezes, Dr.Jose Valdivino. And many other spirits work through João under Don Ignacio’s strict supervision.